Monday, January 28, 2008

stash accomplished

I finished organizing my stash this weekend. I wound up with 10 office file boxes (organized), 2 plastic boxes (small and medium, also both organized), and 3 file boxes and a medium plastic box that I haven't entered into Ravelry yet.
  • 4 boxes of 100% wool
  • 1 box of wool content (>= 50%)
  • 1 box of wool content (<50%)
  • 1 box of cotton and mostly-cotton
  • 1 box of acrylic
  • 1 box of "other" (not wool, acrylic, or cotton, so mostly mohair and rayon)
  • 1 box of dishcloth cotton
  • 1 box of sock yarn
  • 1 box of roving (aka pre-yarn)
My knitting group is having a swap in a couple of weeks, and I can't honestly think of anything I'd like to swap. Except maybe some of the roving, if anyone there spins. I do have some partial balls that I'm unlikely to ever use, but now that I have everything in Ravelry it should be a lot easier to use them up. For example, I am almost finished with a red Mario hat for E. If I had checked my stash first I would have seen that I have 2 partial skeins of red yarn that would have been perfect. Instead I wound up buying 2 new balls of yarn (I only needed part of one, but I debated wool vs acrylic at the store and got one of each).

The 3 unorganized boxes are a jumble. There are a few good things in there that I just need to fish out, but the rest is mostly mystery yarn from my grandmother's stash. I will probably give some of it to my son's daycare provider and donate the rest or use it for toy stuffing.

It feels good to have the boxes put away and labelled. The next step is to organize the wool better (maybe sort out the superwash, or divide it by weight), but I'm in no hurry to start that.

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