Saturday, February 2, 2008

February is for Finishing

I got my step-mother's Odessa hat in the mail on Thursday, hurray! And I finished E's Mario hat later that afternoon, more hurrays! He was thrilled with it, despite not being the fan of Mario that he was 6 months ago. This leaves me with just a few things to finish for February:
  • felted bear
  • wrist warmers
  • small afghan
The wrist warmers I should have finished last week. Come on, just sew those darn ends in! (It's not like I don't wear them, either, I just let the 2 ends dangle about.) The felted bear seems doomed to languish in a box, and I've thought about why I haven't finished it. I think I'm worried it won't come out very cute. I see lots of knitted toys on Rav and think how adorable the knitter has made the eyes, the perfect placement of the nose, a terrifically shaped mouth. I'm just not confident that mine will look that good, so I've been putting it off. Also, it's not a good project to do at my knitting group, or when I'm watching L, or in the car, or when I only have a few minutes, or, well, you get the idea. :)

I started a cabled hot water bottle cover yesterday during L's unfortunately short nap. I literally got as far as casting on and knitting about 20 stitches before she erupted into a full out cry. Phooey! I'm using up a skein on Lamb's Pride Worsted from my stash, originally bought several years ago at the wonderful, and now sadly gone, Straw into Gold. I bought 10 skeins of it at the time, 2 in each of 5 colors. 3 of the skeins went into Christmas stockings for the family, so the cover is using the orphan green yarn. If I can finish it soon it might be a late birthday gift for my sister, who is now living up in Canada. Brrrr!

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