Wednesday, February 6, 2008


No, I didn't knit them. I didn't even sew them, really. I bought some curtains for E's room from Ikea last year, but they're really long. Super long. Like 10 feet long. They came with some iron-on fusible stuff, but I never used it, then lost it. So the curtains have been up for over a year, much too long for the window. Hemming them has been on my to-do list this whole time, so this afternoon, while L is at daycare and E is up visiting Grandpa, I thought I would finally get it done. And I did! The curtains don't quite match in length, I think because I cut them slightly crooked (I had them on the floor to compare length and they matched, but the ends that are next to each other at the window don't). It's close enough, though, so I'm not going to do them again.

Next in the sewing queue is finishing the curtains for the main bedroom. I have one finished (and up), I just need to do 2 more. I need to get Avlynn over here to help me. :)

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