Bleah. I've been sick for 3 weeks now, and I'm tired of it. I did get a few days of relative healthiness over Easter, which was nice because we visited family. But a few days later I was sick again. And now DH is sick, too. At least the kids seem pretty healthy; I sent them both off to daycare for most of the week so I could get some rest.
This means, unfortunately, I've done very little knitting for the past 3 weeks. I ripped out L's cardigan after deciding the pattern had too many errors. If I had more experience with cardigans I probably could have figured it out myself, but since this is my first one, I thought better to rip and start again with a new pattern. Which I did! I'm knitting the
Daisy Cardigan from Marie Grace, and so far I like it a lot. It is knit in the round (well, back and forth in one piece) from the top down, so it's a pattern type I'm familiar with. I've got the sleeves finished, so I just have another 4-6" to go on the body, knit the ties (instead of buttons), and I'm finished! I'm hoping it will still be cool enough for L to wear this spring, and big enough for her to wear in the fall.